Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It is fitting that I write this blog after the space of nearly a year, especially because my last post spoke about my resolutions for the New Year. And if you go through that post very carefully, you will note that one of my resolutions concerned finding myself a wife and, with her, making resolutions for the next year.

Now, lest you be misled by my last statement, my priority is not to have support for making my next year's resolutions, though such support is always welcome - especially from a loving wife, but rather to actually find that wife. And this, I might say with some satisfaction in my heart, seems to have become a reality. Which is also why I am writing this post now. I promised my beautiful fiancee I would have it ready before morning, though she, being the sweet, considerate soul that she is, told me not to stay up and put myself through the trouble. So I did just that, because trouble is just what loving fiances do to sweep their beloveds off their dainty feet (and man, my fiancee does have the daintiest feet you have ever seen).

Well, I did not actually find the wife myself. Nor is she my wife yet. The story goes something like this, in a nutshell. After going on for most of my life (28 years to be precise) without having so much as a single fruitful relationship, I began to think that I must have some chronic problem with my ability to impress the softer sex. I mean, it's not like I don't have the potential. There must have been something in me that drew girls to me when I was so high. In class 2, I was the king of all Casanovas. Little girls in blue pinafores used to chase me everywhere. That's not to say I was this huge hunk either. I was just about as little as them.

But then something happened after I crossed over into the world of adolescence and then adulthood. All of a sudden, my boyish charm had no effect anymore on the merry lasses. Nor did my merriness either. I mean, they did laugh heartily at my jokes, but all the while when on the arms of their hunky men. Not that I held it against them. I was always distracted by their laughter at my jokes. It's when the laughter stopped, however, that the pain hit home with all its brutal force. I learnt then to adapt my jokes to different situations, so that girls wouldn't give me that look which told me, "Prem, you're a nice guy, but you're also a nice dork." Then the laughter would return, and I would return home with a contentment in my heart that if I didn't have a girl, I did at least have the ability to make some people laugh. Which is something to live for. But not for long...

As I was beginning to push 28, I decided it was time I got some help with finding a wife. After all, the Bible says that he who finds a wife, finds a good thing. It says nothing, however, about he whose parents find a wife for him, but well, the Bible is full of such people whose parents did exactly that - and one of them actually became the father of Israel. Well, not him exactly - it was actually his father - but you get the picture. So we people are destined for greatness. And besides, everytime I think of my beautiful, God-fearing fiancee, I know that life couldn't be any better or sweeter, and that God is in His heaven, and all is right with the world.

So here I am. Or rather, here we are - my fiancee and I. We got engaged on October 10 this year, and that was truly a red-letter day in my life. I won't go into the details, except to say that Priya - which is her name - looked especially beautiful that day, and I felt especially happy, and our parents looked pleased as punch, and my infant nephew and niece looked like they wanted to sing, if they could. All these factors combined to make it a most perfect day, and I wouldn't be lying if I said that ever since that wonderful day, I have been walking around with an extra spring in my step, and I have stopped seeing nightmares at night. I have also been sleeping with a soft smile playing on my lips - that is what I believe, and I am sticking to that story. Proof enough? Well, even if you don't think so, my advice to you would be - never argue with a man in love!


a said...

awwww Prem that is soooo sweet :)

Prem Paul Ninan said...

Thanks Addddddddd... :)

Priya said...

That's really sweet Prem...i loved what you wrote. Yes, it definitely swept me off my feet. And you are a hunk- you're my hunk. :) I'll always be there by your side and also laugh at your witty jokes (i'll try my best in understanding them. Forgive me if i'm slow at it!!). You can kiss away all your nightmares too coz i'll be there to brighten your life!:) Love you always! :*

Prem Paul Ninan said...
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jude monteiro said...

Well expressed Prem!! Is a very loving blog and I am sure your fiancee's gonna be swept of her dainty feet when she reads it lolzzzz..You should blog more frequently bro!! Now I am sure you have more inspiration and motivation to do so havin been engaged!!! great goin